Visit to Dundee V&A.
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Mackintosh at the Willow
Talking about Charles Rennie Mackintosh, value of architecture and pros and cons of reconstruction projects. (in lithuanian)
Read MoreWalden 7
Our urban explorations at la fabrica - 70s found disused cement factory -now the house and studio of the architect ricardo bofill, and walden 7 -his social housing project. a bit terrifying at first but very friendly, open and poetic inside. We were lucky to have the resident walking and talking with us about the everyday life there and how architects vision and philosophy of the building feedback to their lifes. Its clearly not a machine for living, its a beautiful space for community, social interactions and events. every 'street' in the building is named under philosopher or writer as well as its full of aspects of sun moon earth and water
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the unreal is more powerful than the real…
it’s only intangible ideas , concepts, beliefs, fantasies that last.
stone crumbles. wood rots. people, well they die.
but things as fragile as a thought , a dream, a legend , they can go on and on.
if you can change the way people think. the way they see themselves.
the way they see the world. you can change the way people live their lives. thats the only lasting thing you can create. ‘’-
Chuck Palahniuk
Read MoreIn search of modern Kuba*

“Now is no time
to think of what you do not have.
Think of what you can do
with that there is”
― Ernest Hemingway, The Old Man and the Sea
Endangered species: playground design and childhood | Part I

.’.. Municiple playgrounds are often as bleak as barrack squares and just as boring. You are not allowed to build a fire, you would head straight for juvenile court if you started to dig up the expensive tarmac to make a cave, there are no bricks or planks to build a house, no workshops for carpentry, mechanical work, painting or modelling and of course, no trees to climb...’ – Lady Allen critics on playgrounds design .
We have started placing playgrounds in a contemporary art galleries. I wonder how long it is going take for the museum to be built so we could bring our children to see what childhood was about. We often complain that todays’ children are growing up and getting mature faster, but who to blame if they are spending more and more of their time surrounded by adults.
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